

Unummerert Griegsalen


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Peer Gynt-salen



Grieghallen is Bergen International Festival's main stage, housing the opening performance each year. The concert hall seats 1434 and the Peer Gynt Hall seats 600.


  • Wheelchair access: Yes.

  • Griegsalen: Tickets for wheelchair places should be bought in advance. There is a set number of wheelchair places at events with numbered tickets.

  • Peer Gynt: Most events have unnumbered tickets, so special tickets are not required for wheelchair users.

  • Wheelchair lifts: Yes.

  • Accessible toilets: Yes.

  • Facilities for reduced hearing in Griegsalen: Infrared sound distribution; receivers available by main entrance, ask security.

Photo: Ole Kristian Olsen



  • Edvard Griegs Plass 1, 5015 Bergen


  • We encourage our audience to leave the car at home and use public transportation to the city centre.

  • Find relevant time tables at

  • Bergen City Bike is an efficient and environmentally friendly means to get around the city centre. You can find a bike station close to Grieghallen.


  • Parking is available in the parking garage at the venue. Entrance from Lars Hilles gate.


  • It is possible to order food and drinks via your mobile phone in advance, after arrival and during the intermission. A minimum of one unit of food must be ordered per person when buying alcohol.

  • If you wish to order food and drinks after arrival at Grieghallen, we recommend that you create a profile on Weorder in advance, as this may take some time.

  • Booking of venues (e-mail)

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