Cirkus Balance - Festival square

Cirkus Balance

Festival square

Performance type: 



​1 h 30 min

​Circus skills in the city centre.

Cirkus Balance knows how to enter the circus ring, and brings the trapeze, tightrope, juggling and clowns to the Festival square.

For ten years, Fyllingsdalen teater has offered circus and theatre lessons for both young and old and has trained a number of young talents. This Saturday, you can experience some of the activities by the theatre's circus company.

In workshops, children and youth also get to try out various circus skills under safe and knowledgeable guidance from the artists from Fyllingsdalen.

Photo: Kata Pasztor

Recommended age



  • ​Contributors to be announced

In collaboration with

Fyllingsdalen teater​

Made possible by

​Grieg Foundation