Gemma New. Foto: Roy Cox

Closing concert


Approx. 2 h inc. interval

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Ticket prices

  • Standard

    NOK 290/740/790
  • Under 30 years

    NOK 200
  • Senior citizen

    NOK 261/666/711
  • BT Fordel

    NOK 218/555/593

A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Grieg’s Piano Concert in A minor.

Youngsters on the run, a grand wedding, forest fairies’ magic, and the chaotic nature of love – the summer night in ancient Athens unfolds into a comic hotchpotch of affairs and entanglements in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Mendelssohn read a German translation of the comedy in his teens and composed an overture for the play, only 17 years old. More than a decade later, he completed the incidental music, which includes the iconic wedding march. A Midsummer Night’s Dream fills the stage with orchestra, actors, and choir, all under the direction of rising star Gemma New.

During Grieg’s years of study in Leipzig, and the period he composed his famous Piano Concerto in A minor, Mendelssohn was a major influence on him. This year the concerto, the Festival’s signature work, will be performed by soloist Shani Diluka. The pianist from Monaco and of Sri Lankan descent, has made global links between classical music and Indian raga, and has earned widespread acclaim for her poetic and distinctive interpretations of Grieg.

Image: Gemma New (photo: Roy Cox)

Gemma New was a joy to watch and almost balletic in her conducting. She produced a sensitive and cohesive performance from the orchestra with this ever-popular work.


Shani Diluka. Foto: Sandrine Expilly
Shani Diluka. Foto: Sandrine Expilly


  • Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra

  • Gemma New conductor

  • Shani Diluka piano

  • Felix Mendelssohn music

  • William Shakespeare text

  • Øyvind Berg Norwegian translation

  • Trine Wiggen direction

  • Kjersti Gulliksrud dramaturgy

  • Mari Eriksmoen soprano

  • Astrid Nordstad mezzosoprano

  • Actors from Den Nationale Scene

  • Female voices from Bergen Philharmonic Choir and Edvard Grieg Choir

Music by

  • Mendelssohn-Bartholdy

  • Grieg


  • Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809–1847)
    A Midsummer Night's Dream, op. 61

  • Interval

  • Edvard Grieg (1843–1907)
    Piano Concerto in A-minor, op. 16

A co-production between

Bergen International Festival, Den Nationale Scene and Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra

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Supported by

H. Westfal-Larsen og Hustru Anna Westfal-Larsens Almennyttige Fond

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